You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2008.

So it’s been so long since I updated that my browser forgot my saved WordPress login. That’s not a good sign.

I guess I’m still getting into this whole blogging thing. There have been so many interesting things going on lately, but I find myself without anything too insightful to say about them–I reader other writers’ work and I agree, or I disagree in a minor way, but I don’t find myself inspired to write a whole post about it. That will come, I suppose, with time and practice. In the meantime, my apologies to anyone who’s clicked over here.

In other news, I am DONE with spring semester. I had my last final on Friday. I’m almost done with my pilates instructor training, too. I’ve also recently started commuting to work by bicycle, along a very busy road (I know this is unsafe and kind of stupid, and yet, I intend to keep doing it). I’m sure there will be stories about that before too long.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there!

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